- Classroom size will be dramatically affected by the influx of students from closed schools. For example, a classroom with 22 students could become 30 at Valdese Elementary School after students are added from Rutherford College Elementary School.
- The district lines will be redrawn for the remaining elementary schools in the county. For example, students from Rutherford College Elementary School will be moved to Valdese Elementary School, and students who live closer to Drexel will be moved to Drexel Elementary School and so on…..No child is guaranteed their current Elementary School.
- In order to enforce the above the no transfer policy will be upheld. There are some questions about Grandfathering the existing tranfers
- Mobile units will be installed at existing schools to accommodate increased enrollment. What about the added expense of this and how will it be paid for? Some schools remaining open have no space for these to be placed.
- How do we maintain nutritional standards that the increase of students would cause? For example, Hildebran Elementary cannot handle the amount of students proposed to go into that school and they would have to have three lunches. How does a hungry child learn?
- Where do we find money to pay for fuel for increased bus routes as the cost of fuel rises daily?
Burke County Online Forum